One: sence of humor. Very dry, but it can also be warm and forgiving. And she´s got one of the best all-time laughs in te history of all-time laughs. She laughs with her entire body.
Two: She´s got character. Or al least she had character before the Ian nightmare. She´s loyal and honest and she donesn´t even take it out on people when she´s having a bad day. That´s character.
Three: I miss her smell and the way she tastes. It´s a mystery of human chemistry and I don´t understand it. Some people, as far as your senses are concerned, just feel like home.
(Four:) I really dig how she walks around. It´s like she doesn´t care how she looks or what she projects. And it´s not tha she doesn´t care, It´s just -- She´s not affected, I guess. And that gives her grace.
And Five: She does this thing in bed when she can´t get to sleep. She kind of half-moans and then rubs her feet together an equal number of times. It just kills me.
Believe me, I could do a top-five-things about her that drives me crazy but it´s just your garden-variety women, you know, schizo stuff and that´s the kind of thinking that got me here.
High Fidelity. Director: Sthephen Frears.